The Chickens
Our flock consists of the pullets (females under one year), hens (females over one year) and a rooster (male over one year). Each are cold-hardy breeds and well adapted to our climate.
The role of our chickens is to provide entertainment, eggs if they feel like it ;-), and to help turn over the gardens at the beginning and end of each season.
The chickens live in a deluxe home designed and built by my husband. Their coop (indoor area) is insulated and powered with electricity. We use hemp bedding and the deep litter method for the coop. The chicken run (outdoor area) is predator proof and suitable for all seasons.
Our chickens are fed a chicken layer diet and provided with regular “treats” ranging from household scraps, black-oil sunflower seeds, dried mealworms, and even sourdough discard.
The Geese
A new addition in 2021, The Lillie Farm is now home to four sebastopol geese. We have two white sebastopols and two buff sebastopols. They will help to protect the chickens from aerial predators (hawks) when they free range and are wonderful entertainment, just like the chickens!
Interested in fresh chicken eggs? Check out our shop.